Astrophotography by Phil Young

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M8 The Lagoon Nebula is a vast Emission nebula ,it spans 33 light across. The Lagoon is about 5,400 light years away in Sagittarius.
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Messier 8 The Lagoon Nebula.
HOO Imager.
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2 " Antilia Ha 4.5 nm image .4 Panel Mosaic LDN1622 The Boogieman Nebula ,NGC2112 Open Cluster in Barnards Loop & M78. Rich DSO area in Orion.
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SH2-101 is an emission nebula also known as the Tulip nebula it is around 70 light years across and about 8,000 light years from Earth. Also it harbours the first confirmed Black hole. Cygnus X-1 Black Hole Bow Shock ( Top left corner in blue )
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Messier 13 The great Globula cluster in Hercule's.M13 is about 25,000 light years from Earth and is 165 light years across.
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Wide-field image of IC1396 large Emission Nebula also known as the Elephants trunk nebula.
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IC1396A is part of IC1396 the Elephants trunk Nebula. The Nebula is about 2,400 light years from Earth, IC1396A the trunk itself is about 20 light years long.
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The Rosette Nebula with open cluster NGC 2237. The nebula is about 130 light years across and 5,000 light years away from Earth.
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Messier 16 The Eagle Nebula. M16 is about 7,000 light years from Earth and 9.5 light years across. The Eagle is the home of the iconic Hubble Space Telescope picture "Pillars of creation".
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Messier 16 The Eagle Nebula " pillars of creation " at the centre.
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Messier 16 The Eagle .HOO Image.
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Westerhout 5 also known as the Soul Nebula. The nebula is about 6,500 light years away in the Constellation Cassiopeia.
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IC1848 Soul Nebula Starless HOO version.
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The Heart of the Soul IC 1877.
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NGC 2024 The Flame Nebula & Barnard 33 The Horsehead Nebula, they are around 1,400 light years from Earth.
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Barnard 33 The Horsehead Nebula.
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SH2-101 Region re-processed from HOO Pallet ( Ha -0111 ) to RGB.
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Double open cluster NGC884 & NGC 869 are about 7,460 light years away in the Constellation Perseus.
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The Cygnus Wall. It is part of NGC 7000 The North America Nebula. It is about 20 light years long and a huge Star forming region.
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SH2-132 The Lion Nebula is a large Emission nebula 10,000 light years away in the Constellation Cepheus.
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Ha Starless version of the Wizard Nebula.
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NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula is an open cluster 7,200 light years away in the Constellation Cepheus.
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Wide-field image of IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula.The seagull is just over 240 light years wide and 3,800 light years away in the Constellation Monoceros.
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The Head of the Seagull. IC2177 is a Emission & Reflection Nebulae.
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Messier 17 also known as the Omega Nebula or Swan Nebula. It is a Star-forming region 5,500 light years from Earth in the Constellation Sagittarius.
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NGC 1499 California Nebula is a Emission Nebula located in the Constellation Perseus 1,500 light years away from Earth.
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SH2-105 The Crescent Nebula & SH2-101 The Tulip Nebula .Emission Nebulae 5,000 light years away in the Constellation Cygnus.
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HOO Pallet SH2-105 & SH2-101 Region
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SH2-101 Also known as the Tulip Nebula. Emission Nebula about 5,000 light years away in Cygnus.
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NGC7000 The North America Nebula & IC5070 The Pelican Nebula.
200mm Astro Lens image in Ha.
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HOO Image NGC 7000 & IOC5070.
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Messier 20 The Triffid Nebula.
Combination of Emission-Reflection and Dark Nebulae.
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SH2-184 Also known as the Pacman Nebula 9,200 light years away.
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HOO Image of the Pacman Nebula (SH2-184 )
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SH2-86 Nebulae region also NGC6820 Reflection Nebula and NGC 6823 Open Cluster.
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IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula.Emission nebula 1,800 light years away in the Constellation Cygnus.
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Ha & 0111 RGB Palette. IC5070 Pelican Nebula
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IC5067 Part of IC5070 The Pelican Nebula .
The Emission ridge spans over ten light years.
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NGC 6992 Eastern Veil Nebula is part of of the Cygnus loop a Supernova Remnant 2,100 light years away.
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HOO Palette NGC 6992 Eastern Veal Nebula.
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Heart of the Heart Nebula ( Melotte 15 )
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IC1793 The Fish Head Nebula is a Star formation region ,it is part of a much larger IC1805 The Heart Nebula.
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HOO Image Fish Head Nebula.
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Wolf-Rayet 134 (V1769 CYG)
HOO Image Ha-0111 & Flats-Flat darks just over 9 Hours.

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Wolf-Rayet 134 (V1769 CYG) Ha 4.5Nm filter.
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Heart of the Heart Nebula Melotte15 H00 palette image.
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The Cygnus Wall
HOO Colour palette image.